Puppy Pamper Package
Puppy intros are for pups up to 6 months old,
ideally beginning shortly after their puppy vaccinations are complete and they are allowed outside.
The sessions are made up of shorter sessions, leading up to a full groom
and aiming to introduce puppies to grooming through play and socialisation
with no pressure of rushing a full groom.
Intro sessions can be slower and help relax pups into grooming.
They include baths, drying, and any styling that the pup will allow within the hour
to help them get used to the noises, smells, and feelings while being groomed.
For dogs that will frequently be groomed throughout their lives,
it is a good idea to get them used to the environment
to minimise stress as they grow older.
In the unlikely event of any issues, there may be the need for extra sessions
before a full groom can take place, which will be discussed if necessary.
Session breakdown
Puppy intros are done over 3 sessions,
with optional extras if your pup struggles with anything in particular:
an introduction to the grooming environment, brushing,
feeling and hearing the dryer.
Includes an eye, nail, and sanitary trim
30 minutes
a bath, dry, brush out
Includes an eye, paw, nail, sanitary trim if necessary,
1 hour
a full groom if your puppy allows, including a bath, dry,
brush out, clipping, scissor trim, nail trim
1.5-2 hours
£50 for all 3 sessions
to be paid on first session
Includes a goodie bag, containing a brush, shampoo, treats, etc
and a certificate of completion on your final visit
Must be below 6 months old for at least 2 sessions
Around 2-3 weeks between each session